Autor:    Enrique Arroyo Villegas

Enrique Arroyo Villegas

Dream about dragons

“What did that dragon mother with the long neck and human head represent, who humbly lowered her head to be caressed as if it were a faithful dog?”.


The dragon mother took flight until lost in the starry horizon. “And the cubs?” He asked himself, realizing that the two little dragons were staring at him in amazement. He waited for long hours, but the mother did not return. And here there is no clear reference to the lack of space in the mother´s cave or her journey into the cosmos.


He felt like in a comic.


The man had to move away from the Mediterranean coasts and look for a big house where they could be calm.


They advanced through the streets of Comillas, the night favored them.


And suddenly, there it was, that house, El capricho, Gaudí´s whim.


The door was open. They entered.


That 19th century house was perfect.


For Gaudí, what this man was living would have been a fantasy, he who was a lover of dragons and mythical salamanders.


Everything made him curious.


“Could it be that the Marqués de Comillas, in a nearby cave, kept the vitolas of his Filipino cigars?”.


He settled the little dragons, and sat down to breathe in the fresh air.


“What will become of you dear Fernando, it would be true that in one of your astral travels, those that you always told me about, and where you talked to dragons, did you stay there? What was the name of that Chilean friend of yours, Fernando, the one who was your tireless follower? I remember that he wrote as an epitaph a bizarre profile of what a dragon should do if it moved to an inhospitable land, and one of his warnings to the traveler was not to be seen by peasants thirsty for gold and rewards. How opportune now, with what I am living ”.


He felt that something was pulling him, it was one of the dragons, which indicated with his head to follow him. They stood in front of a wall. He did not understand what the cub was trying to tell him. The cub pushed the wall away, and opened the entrance to a room. He took out his lighter, and his surprise was unimaginable when he came across beautiful walls with dragon iconography. Good and bad dragons, from east to west. Good fighting evil. The rivers and the seas. Ra in his boat.


On a small table there was a note that said “Do not pay ransom for a princess, because once you have lost the desire that inspired you, that carnal, will come to you as a sweet and languid heir to the throne”.


“I´m going to baptize them Jennifer and George”, he said to the dragons, “you, in honor of Saint George”.


The days passed. He fed them a vegan diet, so that when they were older they would not be tempted to get cows and calves, and avoid heartburn, which led them to breathe fire through their mouths.


Knowing that the world is changing, he imbued them with the desire to speak several languages, and due to morphological proximity, a German with a northern accent prevailed in them.


One morning, he saw the children spread their wings and took their first flight. He felt calm.


When he opened his eyes he found himself in front of a blue sea, sweet as the must of Ampurdán.


It was late afternoon while he was eating pickled partridges. He was happy.

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